Indirect Perception
Indirect Perception is also incredible, for it suggests that the world
that we see around us is actually inside our head. This can only mean
that the head which we have come to know as our own, is not our true
physical head, but merely a miniature perceptual copy of our head
inside a perceptual replica of the world, all of which is contained
within our physical head.
Stated from the internal phenomenal perspective, beyond the farthest
things that we can perceive in all directions, i.e. beyond the walls,
floor, and ceiling of the room you see around you, is the inner
surface of your true physical skull. And beyond that skull is an
unimaginably immense external world of which all this that you see
around you here is merely an internal virtual-reality replica.
The existential vertigo occasioned by this mental image is so
disorienting that only a handful of researchers have seriously
entertained this notion, or taken it to its logical conclusions.
Indirect Perception suggests a three-dimensional volumetric imaging
mechanism in the brain for which no direct neurophysiological evidence
has been found.