From: The World In Your Head by Steven Lehar
Fig. 4.2 (A) The Gestalt bubble model consisting of a block of dynamic local elements which can be in one of two states. (B) The transparent state, with no neighborhood interactions, and (C) the opaque state representing the perception of an opaque surface at that point at a particular orientation. The local surface percept tends to propagate outward in coplanar fashion, to produce complete perceived surfaces. (D) Given a random initial distribution of states throughout the matrix, any initial inhomogeneity will tend to feed back on itself, amplifying the activity of elements within the plane and rotating their planes of influence closer to the plane of the emerging surface, while suppressing elements outside of the plane to the transparent state. (E and F) Eventually a single dynamic surface will emerge, which remains free to shift, stretch, and flex, like a bubble surface.