The problem is that the nature of this model, specifically the fact that every individual element of the model is simultaneously influenced by every other element, and that a full spatial reification is defined, makes this concept inordinately complex to implement computationally. There are certain types of problem, for example the protein folding problem in molecular biology, or the multi-body problem in physical astronomy, which by their nature make them very difficult, or practically impossible to simulate computationally. The Gestalt Bubble model, and indeed the Gestalt principles themselves suggests that the mechanism of perception has this kind of character, i.e. that it will eventually require a system very different from the digital computer to fully replicate this kind of computational system. If this idea is right, therefore, it will certainly take decades of work before a satisfactory performance is attained, most likely by use of novel computational principles and mechanisms. In the meantime, it is both valid and useful to describe the perceptual mechanism in as much detail as we can, even if that level of detail falls short of a complete computational specification.