The reviewer would prefer to see quantitative predictions for experimental data and not only qualitative demonstrations.
I suspect this reviewer does not understand the difference between the role of theories v.s. paradigms in science. Paradigms are proposed first, usually in vage and general form, before specific theories come to be formulated within those paradigms. This is how the Neuron Doctrine was first introduced, by theorists such as Cajal, and Barlow, and Hubel & Wiesel. The quantitative theories followed only after the paradigm had been published. Quantitative predictions are good for testing one detailed theory against another. Paradigms require a more general handling, as was explained by Kuhn. For in fact, every unique and original paradigmatic hypothesis deserves at the very least to be exposed to the wider community, even if it is just a general concept, as long as it can be shown to be truly unique, and not easily defeated by trivial arguments.