Pool Tool
Pool Tool
A handy little device to help calculate deflection in pool. First,
hold the Pool Tool with Side
1 facing up, over the target ball with the tail of the arrow
pointing back towards the cue ball, and measure the desired angle of
deflection of the shot.
Then flip the Pool Tool over to Side
2, and look up the angle of deflection along the top line.
The vertical lines depict the aimpoint towards which you should aim
the center of the cue ball in order to achieve the desired deflection.
The vertical lines on the chart can be related directly to the target
ball as viewed from the cue ball while aiming the shot, measured
relative to the target ball itself. For example to achieve a 30
degree deflection left, aim the cue ball at the vertical line
which is just tangent to the right side of the target ball,
as shown on the Pool Tool depiction.
To achieve a 20 degree deflection left, aim the cue ball at
the vertical line which is 2/3 of the way right from the
target ball center, to the target ball right edge, i.e. 2/3 of a
target ball radius right. These ratios can be seen easily while
aiming the shot.
The Pool Tool is available by ftp in
postscript format (.ps)
compressed postscript format (.ps.Z)
Just print it out, fold it in half,
trim off the edges, and for best results glue the fold and cover in
clear plastic.
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