References of my own work.
Lehar S. (1994) "Directed Diffusion and Orientational Harmonics: Neural Network Models of Long-Range Boundary Completion through Short-Range Interactions". Ph.D. Thesis, Boston University. Available at .//webstuff/thesis/thesis.html
Lehar S. (1994) "Harmonic Resonance in Visual Perception Suggests a Novel Form of Neural Communication." Rejected Perception & Psychophysics November 1995. Available at .//webstuff/pnp/pnp.html
Lehar S. (1996) "A Gestalt Bubble Model of the Interaction of Lightness, Brightness, and Form Perception" Rejected Perception October 1996. Available at .//webstuff/percep0/percep0.html
Lehar S. & McLoughlin N. (1996) "Gestalt Isomorphism I: Emergence and Feedback in the Perception of Lightness, Brightness, and Illuminance". Rejected Perception April 1999. Available at .//webstuff/percep/percep1.html
Lehar S. & McLoughlin N. (1996) "Gestalt Isomorphism II: The Interaction Between Brightness Perception and Three-Dimensional Form". Rejected Perception April 1999. Available at .//webstuff/percep/percep2.html
Lehar S. (1998) Gestalt Isomorphism and the Primacy of the Subjective Experience of Perception. Response to Pessoa L., Thompson E., & Nöe A. (1998) Finding Out about Filling-In: A Guide to Perceptual Completion for Visual Science and the Philosophy of Perception. Behavioral & Brain Sciences 21, 763-764. Also available at .//webstuff/bbs/bbs.html
Lehar S. (1999) Gestalt Isomorphism and the Quantification of Spatial Perception. Gestalt Theory 21 (2) 122-139. Also available at .//webstuff/isomorph/isomorph.html
Lehar S. (1999) "Harmonic Resonance Theory: an Alternative to the `Neuron Doctrine' Paradigm of Neurocomputation to Address Gestalt properties of perception." Rejected Psychological Review November 1999. Available at .//webstuff/hr1/hr1.html
Lehar S. (1999) "Computational Implications of Gestalt Theory 1: A Multi-Level Reciprocal Feedback (MLRF) to Model Emergence and Reification in Visual Processing". Rejected Perception & Psychophysics October 1999. Rejected Cognitive Psychology November 2000. Available at .//webstuff/orivar/orivar1.html
Lehar S. (1999) "Computational Implications of Gestalt Theory 2: A directed diffusion to model collinear illusory contour formation". Rejected Perception & Psychophysics October 1999. Rejected Cognitive Psychology November 2000. Available at .//webstuff/orivar/orivar2.html
Lehar S. (2000) "The Dimensions of Conscious Experience: A Quantitative Phenomenology". Rejected Journal of Consciousness Studies April 2001. Available at .//webstuff/consc/consc.html
Lehar S. (2000) "The Function of Conscious Experience: An Analogical Paradigm for Perception and Behavior". (under review) Available at .//webstuff/consc1/consc1.html
Lehar, S. (2001) A Gestalt Bubble Model of Spatial Perception [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 1(3), 475a,, doi:10.1167/1.3.475.
Lehar S. (2003) "The World In Your Head: A Gestalt view of the mechanism of conscious experience." Mahwah NJ: Erlbaum. Additional information available at .//webstuff/book/WIYH.html
Lehar S. (2003) "Gestalt Isomorphism and the Primacy of the Subjective Conscious Experience: A Gestalt Bubble Model". The Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26(4), 375-444. Also available at .//webstuff/bubw3/bubw3.html
Lehar S. (2003) "Directional Harmonic Theory: A Computational Gestalt Model to Account for Illusory Contour and Vertex Formation". Perception 32(4) 423-448. Also available at .//webstuff/dirhr1/dirhr1.html