The reviewer's difficulty with this concept stems from his inability to understand the principle of indirect perception. When we view the world indirectly, for example through a closed-circuit television monitor, the objects of that televisual experience are images on the television screen, and those images are also the "product" or "output" of television. According to indirect perception the world we see around us is also the "product" or "output" of consciousness. The reviewer sees consciousness more like a window that offers direct visual access to the external world, so no wonder he cannot understand how the objects we see out in the world could possibly be the "output" of consciousness.

There are only so many ways to explain this. At some point the reviewer must make the effort to meet me half way, and understand the key issue behind this paper. Not all of the other reviewers have had so much difficulty with this concept. I am at my wits end to explain it any clearer than I already have.