Exchange with the editor after review of my paper
Dr. Lehar:
I am forwarding your comments to the Editor-in-Chief. If you think that JIN is missing an opportunity here, you need to take that up with Gilbert rather than me.
Steve Kercel
Forwarded by Stephen Kercel:
>Subject: Re: LEHAR
>Dear Steve:
>It has come to my attention that he has already
>published this work in another paper (see Perception
>32(4) 423-448). Therefore, we are legally bound by
>copyright protocol not to publish it.
>Roman R. Poznanski, Ph.D.
>Research A/Prof of Applied Mathematics
>Claremont Research Institute of Applied Mathematical Sciences
>School of Mathematical Sciences
>Claremont Graduate University
>Claremont, CA 91711
The Perception paper on "Directional Harmonic Theory"
is different and distinct from the "Harmonic Resonance Theory" paper
In fact Directional Harmonic Theory is an extension of the Harmonic Resonance Theory, and cites that earlier paper as unpublished work. Some portions of the earlier paper are replicated in the later one, on the assumption that few readers would be familiar with an unpublished work. But the overlap between the two papers is minimal, each has its own distinct message, the first presenting a representational principle in the brain, and the second a specific model of visual perception to account for illusory grouping phenomena.
The Harmonic Resonance Theory paper has never been published.
Steve Lehar
Dr. Lehar:
If you want to debate the suitability of your paper for publication in JIN, please do so with Gilbert, the Editor-in-Chief. I gave you his e-mail address yesterday.
Steve Kercel
Never mind.
Its not that important.