True enough. But which head? And which world? You see there are actually two worlds of reality, the external physical world, and the internal perceptual world. There is no way that you can have any experience of the external world directly, only by way of its effects on your internal world of phenomenal experience. The external world and its internal replica cannot be superimposed, because one is outside of your head in the world itself, while the other is completely contained within your physical skull. The real situation is as depicted below.
In other words, out beyond the farthest things that you can perceive in all directions, is the inside of your true physical skull, and beyond that skull is a giant humongous external world, of which this world you see around you here is merely an internal virtual-reality replica. So the head you have come to know as your own, is not your real physical head, but merely a miniature perceptual copy of your head, in a perceptual copy of the world, all of which is contained within your real physical skull in the real physical world.
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