Plato's Cave: The Full BCS

The Boundary Contour System (BCS) Model

The Boundary Contour System is a dynamic neural network model composed of shunting neurons designed to replicate the properites of illusory contour formation as observed in psychophysical studies. The figure below illustrates the basic architecture of the BCS. The cells at A represent a layer of light sensitive cells such as the ganglion cells from the retina. The cells at B represent cortical simple cells that receive input from the ganglion cells through oriented receptive fields, so that different cells at B respond to edges of different orientations at A. For example the horizontal dark/light cell at B, highlighted in the figure, receives input from the highlighted elliptical region in layer A, excitatory from the light half and inhibitory from the shaded half. All of the cells depicted at B receive input from the same spatial location at A through overlapping receptive fields at different orientations. The cells in layer C receive input from pairs of cells in layer B which represent edges that are parallel in orientation but of opposite direction of contrast. For example the highlighted cell at C receives input from the horizontal dark/ light and the horizontal light/dark cells at B, producing an oriented representation that is independent of direction of contrast. The three big blocks at each layer represent three horizontally adjacent locations in the visual field.

A principal feature of the BCS model is its ability to perform boundary completion between oriented edges that are approximately aligned, like the inducers of the Kanizsa figures which produce illusory boundaries. The mechanism responsible for this boundary completion is a layer of cooperative cells depicted in D which receives input from layer C through large, bipolar cooperative receptive fields. Like the receptive fields of layer B, these bipolar receptive fields occur at every orientation at each spatial location, but unlike those fields the cooperative cell receptive field spans many spatial locations (although only two are shown in the figure) in a direction parallel to the orientation of the inputs preferred by the cooperative cell. For example, the horizontal cooperative cell depicted in the figure has a receptive field that is horizontally aligned to receive input from layer C horizontal cells at horizontally adjacent locations.

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